Dear Awesome Family of ours,
We wanted to clarify some details of the wedding.
First the attire. We would love to have all in our wedding party easily identified when we take pictures at the temple and reception. There might be some confusion about what we would like people to wear.
To clarify, we would like all of the men and boys (including infants) to wear black slacks, white dress shirts, and black shoes (which we were hoping you could provide). We will provide hot pink ties.
We would like the women to wear the blue bridesmaids skirts made from the material and pattern we have provided. If you need help making the skirt or have any questions, please let us know. Please wear a white shirt (at least short sleeve). You can wear whatever shoes you would like.
For the girls and infants, we will provide a blue daisy flower clip that you can put in their hair or on a headband. The closer you can match our blue, the better. The boys will all look similar, why not the girls too?
Thanks for your willingness to put forth so much effort in making this day special for both of us. If you have any questions or ideas, don’t hesitate to ask.
On a side note, we will be having a wedding luncheon after pictures at the temple. All of the adults are invited and we would love it if you can find a sitter for the chilins! This will save us a lot of mula, because between the two of us, we would have over 30 kids to worry about trying to feed. This will give us all an opportunity to catch up and get some adult time.
Thanks again!
Cleve and Meg